Category Archives: Everything About Tennis

Where to Play Tennis

There are numerous places that are all available to play tennis and most cities have several options that you can explore based upon your individual needs. Finding a suitable place to play is often based upon where you live, how long you have to devote to playing and what type of surface you are looking for in terms of the court. There are grass courts, clay, asphalt and even an indoor wooden court. You need to decide which type you are most interested in before you obviously […]

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Two Most Important Aspects of Tennis

If you are going to be any good at tennis there are two major things that you really need to know. Once you have mastered these things you are looking at a much easier time trying to play. However, if you are not playing as well as you should be, going back and taking some lessons in improving your skills as well as technique may be necessary. The primary basis of tennis is to obviously bounce the ball back and forth across the center net, but actually […]

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Tips to Selecting the Right Tennis Instructor for Your Child

As you can imagine there are numerous considerations that you should take into account if you are trying to select a suitable tennis instructor for a child. What is suitable for an adult is not always the best match for a child and this can sometimes be a very difficult difference to distinguish. What you determine as the first criteria is obviously someone who is skilled and talented as a player themselves, yet there are other criteria that should be considered as well. Some of this criteria […]

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Tips to Selecting the Perfect Tennis Shoes

As you can imagine tennis is a very high impact sport, this alone creates a huge need for a good pair of highly appropriate shoes that are designed to last a long time and ensure that you have the durability as well as comfort that you need. If the shoes that you choose are not good for your skills then you are going to be looking at very sore feet and legs, potential problems with your back, a less than stellar game and massive discomfort. This is […]

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Tennis and Children

Parents are always looking for a good sport for their child and more and more parents are starting to turn to tennis as the perfect sport for their child. The benefits of tennis go far beyond simply learning good sportsmanship skills, it also goes deep into learning good skills in terms of eye coordination and even hand eye coordination just to mention a few. Deciding if tennis is the right sport for your child is sometimes easy and at other times a bit more complicated, but you […]

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Is Tennis Camp a Wise Investment?

If your child is training to be the next great tennis player then you may be wondering if a few weeks at a tennis camp is a good idea. The plain facts of the matter are that each child is different. What is best for one child may not be best for another, but some general guidelines will usually be quite helpful in deciding if sports camp is a good idea. Making a good decision can mean encouraging your child, making the wrong decision could turn your […]

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Improving Your Tennis Serve Made Easy

There are a few quick and simple steps that you can do that will help you to dramatically increase your tennis score. However it is important to actually practice the steps rather than just read them. If you take the time to practice these quick steps you will see an almost immediate improvement in your tennis serve and you will notice that you entire game will improve overall. The first thing that you need to do is to always relax your arm and your wrist. If you […]

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Important Mind Control Techniques for Tennis

Unlike what I am sure you are thinking we are not going to set out to perform voodoo on our opponent, nor are we going to try to control them through some ancient form of telepathy. Rather the goal is to improve how you approach each game from a mental standpoint so that you can be much more successful. This means that you should approach each and every game with a successful and positive attitude in order to truly find success on the tennis court. The first […]

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Common Tennis Injuries

There are several things that you need to be well aware of as you consider how you are playing tennis. The body is susceptible to so many different potential injuries in the process of playing tennis that it is very important to be careful about how you play so that you can avoid as many injuries as possible. Yet even the most careful player will likely have an injury at some point in time. Learning to avoid most injuries and also learning which are most common will […]

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Ultimate Secrets to Winning Matches

The goal is obviously to win when you are playing tennis, after all who really steps out onto the court with the goal of losing a match? If you are like most typical players you need all the help you can get to win some games because you may find yourself up against a player who seems to cream you the split second you serve the ball and has you feeling as if there is no way possible for you to really stand a chance at winning. […]

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