Tag Archives: free lessons

Essential Considerations for Your Tennis Bag

What you may not realize is that while having a great racquet will help you on the court, a good tennis bag will help you to do just as well off of the court. This is the primary reason why it is so important to have a tennis bag and will leave you wishing that you had a good bag on the days when you discover that you have forgotten an essential item. There are several things that you should keep in mind when you are picking […]

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Common Tennis Injuries

There are several things that you need to be well aware of as you consider how you are playing tennis. The body is susceptible to so many different potential injuries in the process of playing tennis that it is very important to be careful about how you play so that you can avoid as many injuries as possible. Yet even the most careful player will likely have an injury at some point in time. Learning to avoid most injuries and also learning which are most common will […]

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Can You Learn Tennis Online?

With the internet becoming a much more iatrical part of many people’s lives it is only natural that people turn to the internet more and more to learn things. This includes even learning about sports, but can you really learn tennis online? Is it a good method or just a waste of time and money overall? What are the benefits and is it really worth your time or would you be better off finding an instructor in your local area to teach you? For the vast majority […]

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Beginners Tournament Tips

If you have decided that you want to try your hand at a few tournaments you are likely to be looking at a very long and hard road ahead of you. While a tournament can be a lot of fun, it can also be a huge hassle if you do not approach it with the right mindset and fully prepared both mentally and physically. However, if you are prepared then a tournament can be a great learning experience for you. Always get a good night’s sleep before […]

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Basics of Tennis Explained

Tennis if you have ever stopped to consider what it is can be called a fairly basic sport. Because of this virtually anyone can learn how to play successfully, the hard part is the physical aspect. In terms of how the game is actually played, there are some basic guidelines that will allow you to play successfully without feeling as if you are lost. Even if you are not interested in playing but merely watching, having an idea about what is going on and why will give […]

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Tennis Surfaces Explained, Part 3: Hard Court

While the best known tennis surface is undoubtedly grass, the majority of the tennis professional season is not played on that surface. Here, we look into the finer details of the most predominant surface on the professional tour: hard court. Despite the name, hard courts are not the hardest courts on the tennis tour. That honor goes to clay, where the ball bounces high and slow as a result. Hard courts are, in fact, more of a middle ground between the two ‘natural’ surfaces of clay and […]

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Tennis Surfaces Explained, Part 2: Clay

Anyone aspiring to be a professional tennis player will usually play on a variety of different surfaces. Here, we examine arguably the most difficult surface to play on: clay. In professional tennis, there are actually two forms of clay court used. The first, red clay, is the primary surface seen in the major tennis events in Europe. The second, green clay, is predominantly featured in Northern American tournaments. The two types of clay, however, differ little aside from their color, and feel fairly similar to play on. […]

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Tennis Surfaces Explained, Part 1: Grass

Professional tennis is played on a variety of different surfaces, which these articles examine in detail. This first article looks at the surface tennis is most commonly associated with: grass. Grass is the fastest of the tennis surfaces, meaning the ball bounces low and fast. This therefore naturally makes it a surface where big servers, such Andy Roddick, excel, as their opponents struggle to return serve due to the speed of the surface. It is also a surface that lends itself to playing on the baseline, as […]

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Clay vs. Grass: Battle of the Surfaces

‘Battle of the Surfaces’ was a tennis exhibition match that took place in the summer of 2007. It featured the top two players in the world, Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal, and was played in Nadal’s home country of Mallorca (an island just off the Spanish coast). The main attraction at the match was the court; half of which was grass, half of which was clay.  In their careers and during their rivalry, both Federer and Nadal had established supremacy on one surface. Federer, the king of […]

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