Tag Archives: how to play

Where to Play Tennis

There are numerous places that are all available to play tennis and most cities have several options that you can explore based upon your individual needs. Finding a suitable place to play is often based upon where you live, how long you have to devote to playing and what type of surface you are looking for in terms of the court. There are grass courts, clay, asphalt and even an indoor wooden court. You need to decide which type you are most interested in before you obviously […]

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Two Most Important Aspects of Tennis

If you are going to be any good at tennis there are two major things that you really need to know. Once you have mastered these things you are looking at a much easier time trying to play. However, if you are not playing as well as you should be, going back and taking some lessons in improving your skills as well as technique may be necessary. The primary basis of tennis is to obviously bounce the ball back and forth across the center net, but actually […]

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Tips to Selecting the Right Tennis Instructor for Your Child

As you can imagine there are numerous considerations that you should take into account if you are trying to select a suitable tennis instructor for a child. What is suitable for an adult is not always the best match for a child and this can sometimes be a very difficult difference to distinguish. What you determine as the first criteria is obviously someone who is skilled and talented as a player themselves, yet there are other criteria that should be considered as well. Some of this criteria […]

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Tips to Selecting the Perfect Tennis Shoes

As you can imagine tennis is a very high impact sport, this alone creates a huge need for a good pair of highly appropriate shoes that are designed to last a long time and ensure that you have the durability as well as comfort that you need. If the shoes that you choose are not good for your skills then you are going to be looking at very sore feet and legs, potential problems with your back, a less than stellar game and massive discomfort. This is […]

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Tennis Shots: The Backhand

From listening to tennis commentators, it would be easy to come to the conclusion that a backhand was something that any tennis player compares to a particularly troubling visit to the dentist – if it can be avoided, you should, because the result of going there will be painful and potentially embarrassing. There is no doubt that a good backhand is trickier to play, and therefore rarer in the competitive game, than a forehand. For this reason, professional players will aim to hit to their opponent’s backhand […]

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Tennis Shots: The Forehand

The forehand is considered the easiest tennis shot to master, perhaps because it is the most natural one to hit. It involves holding the racket out from the body and striking forward, with your palm facing towards your opponent at the point of contact. The fact that it is considered to be easy to master does not make it a less dangerous shot – some of the best individual shots in the game are forehands, with the modern game featuring some particularly dangerous forehands including those of […]

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Tennis Shots: The Volley

If you want to make a real success of your grass court game, you are going to have to come to the net at times or risk being beaten by someone with greater killer instinct. The approach to the net is all important in grass court tennis – and to a lesser extent on other services – because if you can hit a good volley, you will win a lot of free points if you get to the net. A volley is any shot that is played […]

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Ultimate Secrets to Winning Matches

The goal is obviously to win when you are playing tennis, after all who really steps out onto the court with the goal of losing a match? If you are like most typical players you need all the help you can get to win some games because you may find yourself up against a player who seems to cream you the split second you serve the ball and has you feeling as if there is no way possible for you to really stand a chance at winning. […]

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Tennis Shots: The Drop Shot

For players with anything other than the ultimate level of mobility around the court, one of the recurring nightmares which prevents them getting a night’s sleep must be the thought of facing a player blessed with a good drop shot. This shot may be one of the most frustrating to face when playing an opponent who knows how to hit it. If hit correctly and at the right time, a drop shot is unplayable. The idea behind the shot is that it is hit with little pace […]

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